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Nim Games – Addition Nim


Addition Nim


  • Two players take turns adding a number from 1 to the maximum addend to the current total.
  • The player who makes the sum equal to the target number wins.

For example, the first player can say "0+1=1", "0+2=2", or anything up to the maximum addend.

If the first player says "0+3=3", then the second player can say "3+1=4", "3+2=5", or anything up to the maximum addend.

Maximum Addend:

Target Number:

Maximum Addend: Target Number:

Would you like to go 1st or 2nd?

Computer's Last Play:

+ =

Your Play:

+ =

Riverbend Community Math Center
(574) 339-9111
This work placed into the public domain by the Riverbend Community Math Center.